AI for Search

How a merchandising experience platform puts retailers in control of search, browse, and recommendations

Improving product ranking in e-commerce with sparse neural search

Reimagining customer experience in the telecom industry with AI-powered e-commerce search

Driving differentiation in e-commerce marketplace search

Accelerate integration of Google Cloud retail search

Launching Google Discovery Solutions starter kit for Commercetools

Semantic query parsing with Lucidworks Fusion: Key to understanding your search queries

Vector space retrieval model for e-commerce

Boosting product discovery with semantic search

Smart autocomplete for drives revenue

Tiered machine learned ranking improves relevance for the retail search

Relevant facets: How to select and promote facets with deep learning

Understanding search query intent with deep learning

Semantic vector search: The new frontier in product discovery

How deep learning improves recommendations for 80% of your catalog

The next big thing in customer service, a deep learning question-answering system

When life gives you lemons: Analyzing negative reviews to improve your mobile app

Order history search: A fast and efficient approach

Smart autocomplete best practices: Improve search relevance and sales
Visual Search

Visual search: How to find manufacturing parts in a cinch

How to recognize coins with deep learning visual model

What is computer vision and what can it do?

What computer vision services, platforms & solutions are on the market

10 ways computer vision is transforming digital retail

A visual search for dinnerware patterns with

Identifying screws, a practical case study for visual search helps customers find art they love with visual search

Expanding product discovery with ML-powered image similarity search

Creating an image similarity function with TensorFlow and its application in e-commerce

Detecting and correcting e-commerce catalog misattribution with image and text classification using Google TensorFlow

How machine learning can address attribution issues in e-commerce catalogs
Open Source Search Platforms

Enhance customer experience with multi-language semantic search

How to replatform Endeca rules to Solr

How to replatform Endeca rules to Elasticsearch

Birthday search queries using Solr: A case study

How automated merchandising tools can improve online product discovery

How to replatform e-commerce search from Endeca to Solr

How to implement multi-select faceting for nested documents in Solr

How to implement autocomplete search for large-scale e-commerce catalogs

How to use Solr Suggester for autocomplete and typeahead search

How to use suffix arrays to combat common limitations of full-text search

How to sort parent documents by child attributes in Solr

Implementing autocomplete with Solr

Why e-commerce search engines must be aware of inventory

A frustrating personal experience with unfaceted search

Searching grandchildren and siblings with Solr block join

The segmented filter cache and block join query parser in Solr

How to use block join to improve search efficiency with nested documents in Solr

How to implement block join faceting in Solr/Lucene

High-performance join in Solr with BlockJoinQuery

Introduction to block join faceting in Solr