Migrate to Google Discovery Solutions services with us

Every retail environment is unique, with specific discovery solutions requirements and customer experience needs. In order to get maximum ROI, faster speed to market and optimal value out of your retail search solution, you need a trusted partner with deep retail search expertise, optimized integration methodologies and Google Cloud specific experience.

Grid Dynamics has unique experience working with the Google Cloud Discovery Solutions team from the earliest stages of the Retail Search solution’s development, with a growing number of successful integrations already under our belt.

We developed the Google Cloud Discovery Solutions Starter Kit to make the migration to Google Cloud Retail Search fast, efficient and seamless. Get started quickly with data ingestion and change streaming pipelines, integration with clickstream data, data quality framework, search results comparison tools, and much more.

Retailers now have the ability to provide Google-quality search and recommendations for their own digital properties, faster than ever before.

Srikanth Belwadi

Group Product Manager, Google Cloud

Grid Dynamics’ expertise in product discovery solutions for large enterprises will help leading retailers and brands improve customer experiences and reduce the impact of search abandonment


conversion rate uplift


less abandoned search sessions


CTR improvements

Why choose the Google Cloud Discovery Solutions Starter Kit?

Over a decade of experience with tier-1 customers


Over a decade of experience with tier-1 customers

In the last 10 years, we designed and implemented numerous product search, catalog navigation and recommendations solutions for leading retailers and brands. Our customers enjoyed double-digit improvements in click-through-rates and order conversion rates.


Move faster while keeping the risks under control

Our battle-proven integration blueprint and Google Cloud Discovery Solutions Starter Kit help achieve the smoothest and fastest upgrade of search experience across all channels.

We provide all the necessary analysis, customizations, performance and relevance tuning to help retailers connect customers with products they love.


Make the most out of your data

Every discovery solutions journey starts with data. Our starter kit has a pre-configured and ready-to-use data ingestion pipeline that seamlessly ingests your catalog and customer behavior data into the Google Cloud Retail Search, Recommendation AI and Vision AI. We can connect to most popular databases and storage systems, as well as to custom systems or multiple data source combinations.

The starter kit is able to cover not only basic cases but complex logic of primary / variant product transformation and is easily extensible to add new data transformation and enrichment functions.


Evaluate search experience before integration

To help you decide if Google Discovery Solutions is right for you, we developed a simple reference site which is an interactive, realistic prototype web-store to demonstrate the capabilities of Google Cloud Retail Search, Recommendations and Vision Search on your product catalog.

You can use this demo site to evaluate search quality, and later as a checkpoint during system integration.

Evaluate Google Cloud Retail Search before integration
Ensure quality integration and optimal performance results


Ensure quality integration and optimal performance results

Monitor the integration process and analyze results on the fly with a comprehensive set of tools, including a data quality framework, value comparators and a detailed reporting feature that flags invalid data. Easily switch between different test frameworks, achieve data completeness and sanity validation, tune in the transformation configuration, and compare the results, all from one simple-to-use system.

All components are built to allow for quick customer-specific business logic customization, saving a significant amount of time compared to an integration from scratch.

Google Cloud Discovery Solutions Features

Google-quality search for retailers


Google-quality search for retailers

Google Cloud Retail Search, along with Recommendations AI and Vision AI, helps retailers gain competitive advantage with powerful semantic and visual search, rich results relevancy and recommendations, and deep personalization features out of the box.

Deliver context-driven search results and product recommendations at scale across channels, and help shoppers easily search for products with an image on their mobile device.


Your customer’s discovery solutions journey starts with the search box. Make the search box experience feel like magic with smart autocomplete and instant search.

We generate a comprehensive list of autocomplete suggestions, taking into account your catalog data and customer search history.

This allows you to expose the breadth and width of your catalog with highly relevant suggested queries, be tolerant of typos, and learn from your customer queries.

Track prices, offers and promotions both online and in-store, in real time with Google’s AI-powered algorithms


Track prices, offers and promotions both online and in-store, in real time

Few things can be as frustrating for the shopper as discovering on the checkout page that the product they selected is no longer available.

Forget about stale index and stream changes in your catalog, prices, or inventory. With near real-time change streaming pipelines, changes are visible for your customers within seconds.

Immediately react to the changes in customer behavior with streaming of customer interaction data to Google’s AI-powered algorithms.


Control where it matters most

Empower merchants to curate customer experience where it matters most with a powerful and flexible business rule system. Provide hints and instructions to Google’s AI algorithms. Ensure transparency and visibility of decisions.

Accelerate implementation with our starter kit

We created our starter kit and the reference architecture based on experience and lessons learned in our large-scale Google Discovery services implementations with Fortune-500 enterprises. We focus on a cloud-native approach, microservices, and API-first strategy.

Get started with Google Discovery services migration

We provide simple integration of Google Cloud Retail Search, Recommendations AI, and Vision AI. Contact us today to start with a workshop, discovery, or PoC.

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