
Identify Churners

The starter kit provides models that identify churners and quantify the level of risk and expected time to churn for every individual. These insights can be used to devise personalized churn treatment strategies.

Determine the Optimal Treatment Type and Time

Many churn analytics solutions provide only the churn risk scores, making it challenging to operationalize. Our starter kit helps you develop treatment evaluation and optimization models that recommend optimal treatment type and time for each user.

Understand the Churn Drivers

The starter kit uses interpretable AI features provided by Vertex AI and custom diagnostic methods to provide advanced insight into user behavior and patterns that precede churn.

Incorporate User-Generated Content

We provide models that help extract useful signals from user-generated content such as customer reviews and call transcripts. These signals help improve the accuracy of churn prediction and determine your optimal churn prevention strategy.

Leverage the Power of AutoML

Most of the models included in the starter kit leverage Vertex AI AutoML services that help reduce the feature engineering and model design effort.


Our starter kit is created based on our experience with multiple clients from various industries.

a tower icon


Identify customers who are at risk of switching carriers and personalize offers based on the type of risk such as quality of services or costs.

a process icon

Software as a service

Mitigate subscription cancellation or pricing plan downgrading risks in early stages.

a console icon

Video games

Run targeted campaigns to prevent user engagement decline.

an icon of a mobile phone

Mobile applications

Improve user retention and engagement through advanced user behavior analytics.

Why Develop Churn Analytics Solutions in Google Cloud

Achieve a Competitive Advantage

Custom solutions that use cloud-native services and open source components are more flexible than third party black box software and offer state-of-the-art machine learning features for accurate prediction and deep insight.

Reduce Implementation Efforts

Advanced cloud native services such as Vertex AutoML and starter kits sharply reduce implementation efforts, bridging the gap between completely custom solutions and inflexible third party products.

Innovate Your Way

Google and Grid Dynamics is a combination that gives you full control over your solution development strategy: build your own team of data and engineering experts, delegate end-to-end solution development to vendors, or combine both approaches with co-innovative engagement.

How It Works

The starter kit includes several components for churn risk evaluation, advanced churn behavior analytics and insight, and treatment optimization.

Warren Barkley

Sr Director, Product Management Vertex, Google Cloud

Organizations are increasingly seeking out solutions that enable them to leverage enterprise AI to deliver enhanced user experiences. This starter kit brings together the technologies customers need to bring AI into their enterprises and derive deeper insights into customer behavior and overall end-user experiences.

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