10 PB

of managed data

1 million

events / second

10 years

of experience


Get to insights faster

Before realising business value with analytics, companies have to build a platform and fill it with data. This investment is necessary to consistently generate insights at scale. We use our starter kit and years of experience to quickly build the analytics platform and implement data pipelines, reducing the cost and risk of the initial investment. That way, our clients can get to value 10x faster and focus on what’s important for business: business intelligence, data science, and data driven decisions with machine learning.


Reduce cost and increase scalability

Traditional on-premise EDW software, such as Teradata, Netezza, or mainframe-based DB2, is getting prohibitively expensive and can’t efficiently scale to the new analytics use cases. By migrating data pipelines and reporting to the cloud, you can reduce total cost of ownership, take advantage of onboarding new data sources, implement real time streaming data pipelines, and dynamically scale to increase efficiency of data scientists.


Accelerate innovation

Very few companies should be in the business of managing on-premise data lakes. High cost of maintenance, stability issues, coupled with lack of scalability and limited technology stack options for DataOps and MLOps, they slow down data analysts. Migrating on-premise data processing to the cloud based solution reduces total cost of ownership, increases data quality and accessibility, and re-focuses company resources on building differentiating value.


Increase data quality and accessibility

Basic data lake is no longer sufficient to implement effective analytics at scale. Too many companies fill in in the lakes only to realize that the data is difficult to use. To unlock the value of data, upgrade your data lake with data governance, data quality, catalog and lineage, access layer, implement stream processing, and deploy an AI platform.


Become data driven organization

Getting value from data is hard without needed skills, culture, process, and tools. Similar to how DevOps streamlines application delivery processes, DataOps and MLOps can increase the quality of data pipelines and help data scientists consistently and repeatedly turn data into insights.


Access business insights through natural language queries

Leverage the GenAI for Business Intelligence solution to effortlessly extract insights from your data by asking questions in natural language, akin to a Google search. The interface employs natural language processing to generate pertinent insights presented on dynamic dashboards.

Our clients

Stanley Black and Decker logo
Neiman Marcus logo
Jabil logo


Lowes logo
Logo of American Eagle
macy's brand logo


Verizon logo
Ad Science logo
2k logo
CuriosityStream logo


Jabil logo
Stanley Black&Decker logo
Levis logo
Tesla logo


Suntrust logo
logo of travelers brand
Raymond James logo
Visa logo
Fiserv logo


align logo
Rally logo
talix logo
Vertex logo
Merck logo

Starter Kits

Get from raw data to business impact faster

The Analytics Platform Starter Kit offers a powerful suite of pre-integrated capabilities covering the entire data lifecycle, from ingestion to machine learning. This cutting-edge solution includes batch and streaming data ingestion, governance, quality checks, pipeline orchestration, semantic model management, and AI-powered data analytics.

Powered by state-of-the-art Large Language Model (LLM) technology, the platform now includes a GenAI for Business Intelligence solution that allows business users to query structured data using natural language. It is adaptable and seamlessly integrates with major LLM providers, supporting custom LLMs for tailored text-to-SQL translations.

Delivered as a modular software package, the platform intelligently connects cloud-native services, open-source components, and advanced services from Grid Dynamics, ensuring flexibility and scalability to meet unique requirements and integrate into existing data infrastructures. The platform also offers optional integrations with partner products, enhancing advanced analytics and data management capabilities, and providing users access to a broader range of tools and features.

With the Analytics Platform Starter Kit, organizations can rapidly provision a comprehensive enterprise-grade cloud data platform, enabling data-driven insights and leveraging the benefits of cloud infrastructure. It facilitates extending existing data lakes with advanced services, empowering organizations to continuously enhance their data capabilities in the fast-evolving data landscape.

Analytics platform capabilities


petabytes of data


events / second


data sources


managed data pipelines


quality and accessibility

Technology stack

CapabilityOpen-source3rd partyAWSGCPAzure
Data lake Hadoop, HueDatabricksS3, EMRDataproc, or DataflowHDInsight
Messaging Apache KafkaLenses.ioKinesisPub/SubEvent Hubs
EDW N/A SnowflakeRedshiftBigQueryAzure Synapse
Access layer HueDatameerAthenaN/A Data Lake Analytics
Orchestration Apache AirflowTalendGlue workflow Data PipelineCloud ComposerData Factory
Data catalog Apache AtlasAlation AtaccamaGlue Data CatalogData CatalogData Catalog
Data quality Grid Dynamics accelerator
Application platform K8sOpenshiftEKSGKEAKS
AI platform Kubeflow, MLFlowDataikuAmazon SagemakerGoogle AI PlatformAzure AI platform
CapabilityData lakeMessagingEDWAccess layerOrchestrationData catalogData qualityApplication platformAI platform
Open-source Hadoop, HueApache KafkaN/A HueApache AirflowApache AtlasGrid Dynamics acceleratorK8sKubeflow, MLFlow
3rd party DatabricksLenses.ioSnowflakeDatameerTalendAlation AtaccamaGrid Dynamics acceleratorOpenshiftDataiku
AWS S3, EMRKinesisRedshiftAthenaGlue workflow Data PipelineGlue Data CatalogGrid Dynamics acceleratorEKSAmazon Sagemaker
GCP Dataproc, or DataflowPub/SubBigQueryN/A Cloud ComposerData CatalogGrid Dynamics acceleratorGKEGoogle AI Platform
Azure HDInsightEvent HubsAzure SynapseData Lake AnalyticsData FactoryData CatalogGrid Dynamics acceleratorAKSAzure AI platform

Analytics platform industries

We helped Fortune-1000 companies unlock the full potential of data.

Read more about analytics platform

Accelerate the journey to modern analytics

We provide flexible engagement options to design and build analytics platforms and AI use cases at scale. Clients take advantage of our starter kits to increase their speed to insights and reduce the risk. Contact us today to start with a workshop, discovery, or PoC.

More data analytics solutions

Stream Processing


Data Quality


Machine Learning Ops


Data Governance


ML Platform


IoT Platform


Cloud-agnostic Semantic Layer


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