What does Grid Dynamics do?
Grid Dynamics is an emerging leader in driving enterprise-level digital transformation in Fortune 1000 companies. As a leading global digital engineering and information technology (“IT”) services provider with its headquarters in Silicon Valley and engineering centers in the United States and multiple Central and Eastern European countries, Grid Dynamics’ core business is to deliver focused and complex technical consulting, software design, development, testing and internet service operations.
When did Grid Dynamics become a publicly traded company?
Grid Dynamics became a public company on March 5, 2020.
What exchange does Grid Dynamics trade on and what is the company's ticker symbol?
Grid Dynamics’ stock is traded on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol “GDYN”.
Where are Grid Dynamics' headquarters?
Grid Dynamics’ headquarters are located at 5000 Executive Parkway, Suite 520 San Ramon, CA, 94583, United States.
How long has Grid Dynamics been in business and where is it incorporated?
Grid Dynamics was formed in September 2006 and is incorporated in California.
Who is Grid Dynamics' transfer agent and how do I contact them?
Grid Dynamics’ transfer agent:
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Attn: Mark Zimkind
E-mail: mzimkind@continentalstock.com.
How can one purchase Grid Dynamics' common stock?
Grid Dynamics common stock can be purchased on the open market through any registered broker.
Does Grid Dynamics issue a dividend?
Grid Dynamics currently does not issue a dividend.
How do I change my address on my Grid Dynamics stock certificate or change title on my stock certificate?
All questions regarding ownership of Grid Dynamics stock should be addressed to the appropriate transfer agent:
Continental Stock Transfer & Trust Company
1 State Street, 30th Floor
New York, NY 10004
Attn: Mark Zimkind
E-mail: mzimkind@continentalstock.com.
How can I get Grid Dynamics financial documents?
Please refer to the SEC’s website for an online version of financial documents or here.
How can I obtain a copy of Grid Dynamics’ annual report and proxy?
Please refer to the Company’s IR Website here.
When are Grid Dynamics fiscal quarters?
The Grid Dynamics’ fiscal year runs on a calendar year with quarters ending on March 31, June 30, September 30 and December 31.
Who are Grid Dynamics' independent accountants?
Grid Dynamics’ independent accountants are Grant Thornton LLP.
Who are the members of Grid Dynamics' Board of Directors?
Please view a full list of Grid Dynamics’ Board of Directors here.
How many employees does Grid Dynamics have?
As of December 31, 2024, Grid Dynamics had 4,730 personnel across the US, UK, the Netherlands, Mexico, Switzerland, Central and Eastern Europe.
How can I get on a distribution list to receive information about the company?
Please fill the email alerts form to receive information about the company on the bottom of current page.
How can I contact Grid Dynamics?
Send an email message to investorrelations@griddynamics.com, or call Grid Dynamics Investor Relations at 1-646-277-1236.