Home Insights Data Science & AI Why AI needs the right process and human intelligence to succeed

Why AI needs the right process and human intelligence to succeed

Congratulations on advancing your artificial intelligence and generative AI initiatives! While it’s exciting to focus on the potential impact these technologies can bring to your business, it’s equally important to consider how AI and human intelligence are key to unlocking unprecedented business potential. In this post, we’ll explore how AI, the underlying process intelligence (PI) and, above all, human intelligence (HI) interconnect, and why balancing these components is essential for achieving meaningful and lasting results.

How AI and generative AI are transforming businesses

AI and generative AI are shaking up industries by redefining how businesses operate. From automating mundane tasks to providing insightful data analysis, AI’s vast and varied capabilities are opening doors to innovation and efficiency like never before.

One major win for businesses is AI’s power to boost productivity. AI handles repetitive tasks with speed and precision, freeing up humans to tackle more complex and creative activities. For example, in the manufacturing sector, AI-driven robots and automation systems streamline production processes, reducing errors and increasing output.

Recent studies show that implementing AI in manufacturing can significantly boost efficiency, with a 20% increase in production capacity, a 30% reduction in production downtime, and up to 30% decrease in maintenance costs.1

In customer service, AI-powered chatbots are game changers, offering instant responses that significantly boost efficiency and customer satisfaction. Research shows AI can slash ticket resolution times by up to 70%, which plays a big role in driving up customer satisfaction (CSAT) scores.2

Generative AI, a powerful subset of AI, is revolutionizing industries by creating new content from existing data. This technology leverages large language models to transform content creation, design, and even software development. For example, in marketing, generative AI crafts personalized content tailored to individual customers, driving higher engagement and conversion rates. The entertainment industry is also experiencing a creative surge, with AI-generated music, art, and scripts expanding the boundaries of what’s possible.

Beyond creativity, AI and generative AI are pivotal in data analysis and decision-making. These technologies rapidly process vast amounts of data, uncovering patterns and insights that humans might miss. In finance, AI algorithms analyze market trends and predict stock movements, enabling smarter investment decisions. In healthcare, AI systems sift through medical records and research data to identify potential treatments and predict patient outcomes, leading to more effective patient care and treatment strategies.

In the supply chain and logistics sector, AI is pivotal in optimizing operations. AI-driven analytics predict demand, manage inventory, and optimize routes, leading to significant cost savings and efficiency improvements. For example, DHL, a global logistics service provider, uses AI-powered route planning software to enhance its shipping process. The system analyzes all delivery points on a route, prioritizing them based on urgency—such as critical medical deliveries or those needed before 9 a.m. It also considers the distance between stops to create the most efficient route sequence.3

The impact of AI on various business operations is undeniable. However, the key takeaway from these successful implementations is that AI doesn’t operate in isolation. Instead, combining the right process intelligence and human intelligence provides a robust foundation for AI to thrive.

How process intelligence sets the stage for AI breakthroughs

Research shows that 72% of those using AI are concerned that process issues may hold back AI breakthroughs over the next two years. 4

Process intelligence is like the blueprint for a well-constructed building. Just as an architect carefully plans and designs the structure to ensure it stands strong and serves its purpose, PI involves understanding and optimizing business processes to ensure they are efficient, effective, and aligned with organizational goals. When integrating AI into a business, PI lays the foundation for AI to function optimally, unlocking its full potential and driving maximum benefits for the organization.

How process intelligence powers AI integration: Identify processes, Find bottlenecks, Optimize processes, and Integrate AI

Here’s how PI supports successful AI implementations:

Identifies key processes for AI integration: PI helps businesses determine which processes are suitable for AI enhancement by analyzing and understanding current operations, ensuring AI is applied where it adds the most value.

Reveals bottlenecks and inefficiencies: PI identifies areas within processes that are inefficient or problematic, such as bottlenecks in the supply chain, that AI could potentially resolve through automation and predictive analytics.

Ensures seamless AI integration: PI aids in mapping out how AI will interact with existing systems and processes, making necessary adjustments to workflow to facilitate smooth integration and minimize disruptions in operations.

Supports continuous improvement: As AI systems operate, they generate valuable data. PI leverages this data to refine and optimize processes through a feedback loop that enhances both AI effectiveness and overall process efficiency, fostering ongoing innovation.

It’s no surprise that high-performing organizations are, on average, 20% more advanced in optimizing processes that utilize supply chain data through AI and machine learning, positioning them well ahead of their competitors in both efficiency and adaptability.5

Why AI without human intelligence is a missed opportunity 

While AI and PI are essential, human Intelligence is like the master craftsman bringing a design to life. Even with the best blueprints and materials, it’s the skill, creativity, and experience of the craftsman that ensures the building stands strong and serves its intended purpose. Similarly, human creativity, intuition, and emotional intelligence are qualities that AI cannot replicate. They play a crucial role in guiding and complementing AI technology, ensuring that AI is used not just efficiently, but effectively and ethically as well.

Venn diagram illustrating the relationship similarities between AI and human intelligence. It shows two overlapping circles, with the left circle representing Human Intelligence and the right circle representing Artificial Intelligence. The overlap area is labeled "Hybrid Intelligence (Human-Augmented AI + Augmented Human Intelligence)". The diagram also highlights areas of unique human and AI capabilities, as well as human ai interaction at the intersection points.
Source: Jarrahi, M. H., Lutz, C., & Newlands, G. (2022). Artificial intelligence, human intelligence and hybrid intelligence based on mutual augmentation. Big Data & Society, 9(2). https://doi.org/10.1177/20539517221142824

Here are the many ways in which HI aids AI:

Strategic decision-making and ethical governance: Human oversight ensures that AI systems are aligned with organizational values and ethical standards. For example, in sensitive areas like healthcare or finance, human judgment is necessary to evaluate the ethical implications of AI decisions and ensure they serve the best interests of stakeholders. 

Training and maintaining AI systems: Training AI models on relevant data requires domain knowledge that only humans can provide. Continuous monitoring and adjustment of AI systems are necessary to ensure they remain accurate and effective. Human experts manage these tasks and address any issues that arise.

With human oversight, LLMOps solutions can help establish necessary guardrails and train AI models, ensuring that the behavior and performance of generative AI solutions remain in check.

Interpreting and applying AI-generated insights: While AI can process data and identify patterns, it’s humans who contextualize these insights and turn them into actionable strategies. An AI system might detect a trend in customer behavior, but human marketers are needed to design and implement a campaign that effectively leverages this insight. 

Fostering innovation and creativity: While AI can assist in generating ideas and content, human creativity drives innovation by thinking beyond the data and envisioning new possibilities. This symbiotic relationship between AI and HI leads to breakthroughs that neither could achieve alone. For example, in manufacturing, human engineers working alongside AI systems can design more efficient production lines and develop innovative products faster than either could independently.

Change management: Integrating AI into existing business processes often requires significant changes in how tasks are performed and managed. Effective change management ensures that employees are well-prepared for these changes, minimizing resistance and maximizing acceptance. Change management involves clear communication, training, and support to help employees understand the benefits of AI and its impact on their roles. It also fosters a culture of continuous learning and adaptability, enabling employees to develop new skills and embrace AI-driven changes positively. 

Organizations that implement effective change management strategies are seven times more likely to meet or exceed their project objectives.6 

Conclusion: AI and human intelligence

We tend to overestimate the effect of a new technology in the short run and underestimate the effect in the long run. This saying rings true with AI and Generative AI. Their transformative potential in business is undeniable, offering unprecedented opportunities for efficiency, innovation, and growth. However, successful AI implementation is not just about having the latest technology. It requires the right PI to identify, optimize, and seamlessly integrate AI into existing workflows. Equally important is HI, which brings strategic, ethical, and creative oversight to ensure AI systems are aligned with business goals and values.

Ready to take your AI strategy to the next level? With 8 years of extensive experience in delivering cutting-edge AI solutions, our experts at Grid Dynamics are here to help you seamlessly integrate AI with the right  PI and HI. This winning combination drives sustainable success and gives you a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced market. Don’t just adopt AI—master it. Contact us today to kickstart your resilient AI journey.


  1. https://wifitalents.com/statistic/ai-in-the-manufacturing-industry/
  2. https://marketsplash.com/ai-customer-service-statistics/
  3. https://spd.tech/artificial-intelligence/ai-in-logistics-transforming-operational-efficiency-in-transportation-businesses/
  4. https://www.weforum.org/agenda/2024/01/process-intelligent-ai-rewire-business-sustainable-transformation/ 
  5. https://www.gartner.com/en/newsroom/press-releases/2024-02-20-gartner-says-top-supply-chain-organizations-are-using-ai-to-optimize-processes-at-more-than-twice-the-rate-of-low-performing-peers
  6. https://www.prosci.com/blog/the-correlation-between-change-management-and-project-success

Frequently asked questions

What is the difference between machine learning and deep learning?

Machine learning is a broader field of artificial intelligence that focuses on creating algorithms that can learn and make predictions or decisions based on data, without being explicitly programmed. Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that uses artificial neural networks with multiple layers to learn from vast amounts of data. While machine learning can use various algorithms, deep learning specifically leverages the power of deep neural networks to automatically extract complex features and patterns from data.

How does natural language processing (NLP) enable computers to understand human language?

NLP uses a combination of techniques, including machine learning, deep learning, and linguistic rules, to enable computers to interpret, analyze, and generate human language. NLP systems can break down human language into its component parts, such as words, phrases, and sentences, and understand their grammatical structure and meaning. By training on large datasets of human language, NLP models learn to recognize patterns, context, and nuances, allowing them to comprehend and respond to text and speech in a way that mimics human understanding.

What role do cognitive abilities play in human intelligence, and how do they relate to artificial intelligence?

Cognitive abilities, such as perception, reasoning, learning, and problem-solving, are critical components of human intelligence. These abilities allow humans to process information, acquire knowledge, adapt to new situations, and make decisions. In the field of artificial intelligence, researchers aim to create systems that can exhibit similar cognitive capabilities. Cognitive computing, for example, focuses on developing machines that can understand, reason, learn, and interact in ways that resemble human cognition. By incorporating cognitive abilities into AI systems, we can create more intelligent and adaptable machines that can perform complex tasks and assist humans in various domains.

How can emotional intelligence and social intelligence be developed and applied in personal and professional settings?

Emotional intelligence (EI) and social intelligence (SI) are essential skills that can be developed through self-awareness, practice, and training. To improve EI, individuals can work on recognizing and managing their own emotions, as well as understanding and empathizing with others’ emotions. This can be achieved through mindfulness practices, emotional regulation techniques, and effective communication skills. SI can be enhanced by actively listening, reading social cues, and building strong relationships based on trust and respect. In professional settings, EI and SI can be applied to improve teamwork, leadership, conflict resolution, and customer service. By fostering a culture that values emotional and social intelligence, organizations can create a more collaborative, productive, and empathetic work environment.

What strategies can individuals and organizations use to foster creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills?

To nurture creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, individuals and organizations can adopt several strategies:

  • Encourage curiosity and exploration: Foster an environment that values questioning, experimentation, and learning from failures.
  • Embrace diversity of thought: Bring together people with different backgrounds, perspectives, and expertise to generate novel ideas and solutions.
  • Provide training and resources: Offer workshops, courses, and tools that help individuals develop their creative thinking, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities.
  • Allocate time for ideation: Set aside dedicated time for brainstorming, idea generation, and creative problem-solving sessions.
  • Promote a culture of psychological safety: Create an atmosphere where people feel comfortable sharing ideas, taking risks, and challenging the status quo without fear of negative consequences.

By implementing these strategies, individuals and organizations can cultivate a mindset and culture that supports innovation, adaptability, and continuous improvement.

What can generative AI be relied upon to do without human intervention?

Generative AI can be relied upon to perform various tasks without human intervention, depending on the specific model and its training. Some examples include:

  1. Text generation: Generative AI models like GPT-3 can generate coherent and contextually relevant text based on a given prompt or context, without requiring human input beyond the initial prompt.
  2. Image and video generation: Models like DALL-E, Midjourney, and Stable Diffusion can create original images and videos from textual descriptions, without human guidance during the generation process.
  3. Music composition: Generative AI models can compose original music pieces in various styles and genres, based on learned patterns and structures from existing music datasets.
  4. Code generation: AI models can generate code snippets or even entire functions based on natural language descriptions or other code examples, without human programmers needing to write the code manually.
  5. Data augmentation: Generative AI can create synthetic data, such as images, text, or audio, to augment existing datasets and improve the performance of other AI models, without requiring humans to manually create additional data.

While generative AI can autonomously create content, it is essential to note that human oversight and curation are still crucial for ensuring the quality, accuracy, and appropriateness of the generated output, especially in critical or sensitive domains.

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    Why AI needs the right process and human intelligence to succeed

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